AI Architecture Rendering App

Photorealistic visualization for architects and designers
Published on
September 18, 2023
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Micro-SaaS with $575 ARR and 5 customers. The target audience is General contractors, architects, interior designers, and real estate agents. I came across the idea when one of my friends, a 3d visualizer, was explaining his process of rendering house models for his clients. He ranted about how it took on average 7-8 hours to render each photo, in which he couldn't use his computer at all. With the recent advancements of AI, I knew there was a way to cut down the time and cost needed to help people like him visualize their ideas and sketches more effectively. It took me two weeks to build the MVP, invited my guy to test it out and he was speechless. He now has the option to turn his sketches of architecture into realistic looking renders in just a few seconds, with customizable options. Seeing the potential of this product to help others who face the same problem as him, I decided to polish the product and launch it. ‍<br>✅ $575 in ARR<br>✅ 5 customers<br>✅ Business model: SaaS<br>✅ Built with React, Nodejs, and Supabase<br>


Annual Revenue


Number of Customers



Business Model

Monthly and annual subscriptions.

Target Audience

General contractors, architects, interior designers, and real estate agents.

Asking Price Reasoning

Standard industry multiple.

Reason for Selling

To focus on my bigger projects that require more of my time.

Growth Opportunity

Run facebook ads to target general contractors, architects, designers. Run Google ads for long tail keywords. Invest in UGC (user generated content) on tiktok, high chance of achieving virality considering the wow-factor of the product.

30 days free support from seller


ReRenderAI, Interior AI, ReRoom AI, MaketAI.

Tech Stack

React, Nodejs, Supabase.

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How it works

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Asking Price
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