AI Art Generator Mobile App

Mobile app
iOS app that turns text into AI art images
Published on
December 2, 2023
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Already Sold


Mobile app with $1,600 ARR and 1,200 active users. The target audience is users who want to turn their creative ideas into pictures. There were already apps like this, but the pictures they created were not really creative. That's why I developed this app with an AI model that works better in the background. I developed it with a UI/UX approach that allows users to easily create the image they want without tiring them. I also added some models for creativity and if they like the created image, they can add it to favorites.<br><br>✅ $1,600 in ARR<br>✅ 1,200 active users<br>✅ Business model: Mix of subscriptions and one time sales<br>✅ Built with React Native<br>


Annual Revenue


Number of Customers


$5-$15 Replicate API.

Business Model

Mobile - In App Purchase ($4.99/weekly - $49.99/yearly - $149.99/lifetime).

Target Audience

Designers and creators.

Asking Price Reasoning

The app has real growth potential and with the right advertising strategies and ASO, much better money can be earned.

Reason for Selling

Since I work a full-time job, I can't spare enough time. I am sure that the app will rise with the time that the person who will buy it will spare.

Growth Opportunity

Using Apple search ads will definitely have a positive impact for the app. At the same time, Tiktok ads will also contribute to the growth of the app.

30 days free support from seller


WOMBO Dream - AI Art Generator.

Tech Stack

React Native, RevenueCat.

Traffic Metrics

Revenue Metrics

How it works

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Asking Price
Already Sold