AI Emoji Generator

Web app
Create unique, custom emojis in seconds with AI
Published on
January 24, 2024
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Asking Price
Already Sold


Web app with $832 Annual Revenue and 79 paying customers. The target audience is Anyone who wants to create an emoji. Our project is an AI Emoji Generator that has generated $850 in gross revenue with 10k organic visitors/month. You can give it any prompt and it will turn it into an emoji which you can save to your phone or share with a link. Me and two other friends built this startup in October as a fun project whilst in Athens 🇬🇷. We launched quickly on product hunt where it got 204 upvotes and within a few hours we made our first sale. When it first launched we wanted to grow it as much as possible so we made it is free to use (up to 3 emojis/day) and created a content directory for SEO. For unlimited emoji generations you can pay $9.99 lifetime deal. We would have liked to experiment more with this but we haven't found the time to work on it since launch. Here is some more info:<br>✅ Emojis generated: 90,000<br>✅ Monthly traffic: ~10k<br>✅ Search Console stats: 21.2k clicks, 216k impressions, Avg CTR 9.8%, Avg Position 6.6<br>✅ AHREF stats: DR 13, Backlinks 466, Traffic Value: $642<br>


Annual Revenue


Number of Customers


~$120/month Replicate, $20 Vercel, $25 Supabase.

Business Model

Free to use up to 3 emojis/day then $9.99 lifetime deal for unlimited emojis.

Target Audience

Anyone who wants to create an emoji.

Asking Price Reasoning

It has generated revenue, has an organic acquisition channel through SEO and we think it has a lot of unexplored areas such as going more B2B (slack), creating iOS app for stickers, experimenting with pricing. There are also obvious cost savings.

Reason for Selling

The three of us all have our own projects and full time jobs so don't have enough time to work on it.

Growth Opportunity

iOS app to integrate with sticker API, Slack app to go into the b2b niche, experiment with pricing, reduce costs by hosting your own model.

30 days free support from seller


According to ahrefs:,,

Tech Stack

Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind, Open AI, Replicate, Vercel, Supabase.

Traffic Metrics

Revenue Metrics

How it works

Main Metrics


Asking Price
Already Sold