Premium Notion Templates

Business Notion templates for startups, freelancers and students
Published on
April 14, 2024
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Already Sold


I'm a Notion certified consultant, and I've been creating & selling Notion templates on the side for 2+ years now. I have 23 Notion templates, including:<br/><br/> - 12 free templates<br/> - 11 paid templates<br/> - 5 bundles<br/><br/> Most of the traffic comes from the blog (Notion tutorials / how-to guides) & referrals (ex: notion template marketplaces). <br/><br/>I also have a weekly newsletter with 8700 subs (as of April 2nd) — growing at ~150 new subs / day. These new subs comes from the free templates that act as lead magnets. <br/><br/> Worth to note: the website has been localized to French quite recently. So expecting a lot of new growth from this segment (everything has been translated: templates, website, blog posts). <br/><br/> Everything is included in the sale:<br/> - products (Notion templates)<br/> - Notion workspace<br/> - website + content<br/> - newsletter + email list<br/> - automations<br/> - social media (TikTok, Youtube, IG, Facebook page)<br/> - all the other accounts related to the biz <br/><br/> ✅ $15,000 in Annual Revenue ✅ 500 customers ✅ Business model: One-time sales ✅ Built with Webflow, Make, Notion


Annual Revenue


Number of Customers


In total 1160€/yr (or 100€/mo). Breakdown: Webflow - 504€, Make - 170€, Senja - 295€, Google Workspace - 170€, Domain - 20€.

Business Model

Main source of rev is selling the Notion templates. Template prices varies between 19 and 295$. I also sell bundles (personal bundle, freelance bundle, startup bundle, etc.). The other way I make money is via sponsored segments on my newsletter/blog.

Target Audience

Anyone interested in getting more productive & organized.

Asking Price Reasoning

I'm asking for a 5.5 multiple bcs it's growing really quickly thanks to all my recent efforts (150 new leads a day, now available to the French market, automated blog posts for SEO, best products out there thanks to my exp as a Notion consultant).

Reason for Selling

I selling because it's been 2+ years working on this and I have other business ideas I'd like to explore :)

Growth Opportunity

The marketing channels I haven't pushed are social media & ads. Someone who knows how to leverage these channels will make a big impact. (+ optimize conversion)

30 days free support from seller


Notionway, Landmarklabs, & other template businesses.

Tech Stack

Notion, Webflow, Make.

Traffic Metrics

Revenue Metrics

How it works

Main Metrics


Asking Price
Already Sold