Savings Tracker Mobile App

Mobile app
Savings tracker with real-time collaboration
Published on
May 20, 2023
Main Metrics


Asking Price
Already Sold


Mobile app with $2,600 ARR and 11, 000 active users over the past month.

Around 200 Lifetime Premium and around 75 monthly subscribers.

The target audience is people who want to save up and take control of their spending.

I wanted a better experience when it came to tracking my savings. There were a bunch of apps already that did this, but they were ugly and had a terrible UX.

It was more of a chore to actually log my savings and actively discouraged me. I decided to make a better version with a focus on UI and UX. This has massively paid off (as you can see in the reviews).

Another main feature that sets it apart from the others is real time collaboration with others which the other apps completely lack.

✅ $2,600 in ARR
✅ 11,000 active users, 200 Lifetime and 75 monthly subscribers
✅ Business model: Mix of subscriptions and one time sales
✅ Built with Kotlin and NodeJS


Annual Revenue


Number of Customers


£8 for DigitalOcean Droplet that hosts the backend. No other recurring costs.

Business Model

For most of the time since I launched it was a onetime premium fee. I added subscriptions in May 2023. So now the user can either subscribe or pay a one time fee.

Growth Opportunity

I would spend some time improving backend stability and monitoring. Also, implementing some new features that have been asked for by users. Finally, spread the word by running ads, which I haven't done before. It's all organic so far.

Target Audience

People who want to save up and take control of their spending.

Asking Price Reasoning

Subscriptions have been increasing month on month since introduction. MAU, DAU and Installs all trending up since launch. Excellent reviews and organic traffic. Low operating costs. Seller is willing to work with buyer on migration.

Reason for Selling

I no longer have the time to add features or respond to support with the care that it should have. The app has been working fine in the background for months but it needs attention every now and then that I can't give it.

30 days free support from seller


Savings Goal and Savings Tracker.

Traffic Metrics

Revenue Metrics

How it works

Main Metrics


Asking Price
Already Sold