Web Development Learning App

Web app
Notes and flashcards to learn web development
Published on
December 7, 2023
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Web app with $1,300 Annual Revenue and 260 customers. The target audience is Aspiring web developers. My project makes it easier to get started in web development by providing detailed notes and comprehensive flashcards for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS and more. Made $1,300 with little marketing. When I learned to code, I struggled a lot. I got stuck in tutorial hell and would watch video after video without learning much. The only thing that worked for me was making notes on every single important concept of a language and then practicing what I've learned by doing flashcards. With this, I was finally able to learn &nbsp;programming, in particular frontend development. About 1.5 years ago, I had the idea of selling the notes and flashcards because there was no one else doing it and it might be a great business opportunity. I spent 6 months on making the notes and flashcards good looking and useful as possible and launched on Dec 10th, 2022. The notes come as a Notion Template in the form of a link to a website hosted by Notion (a notetaking app). The customer can either open this page in the browser and learn with it or duplicate it into his/her own Notion workspace (the Notion app is free). The notes consist of text, example code and graphics. The flashcards come as an Anki file. Anki is a flashcard app and is free on all platforms except iOS but you can still use it in the browser or pay a one-time fee. The flashcards consist of text, example code and graphics and corresponds to the notes by asking questions about certain concepts by filling in a gap text, writing code or completing a graphic. The idea is that the customer learns about a certain concept with the notes and then trains it using the flashcards. Ever since the launch, I did a bit of marketing on Reddit and X (aka Twitter). Most customers come from X or Google. X account has 400 followers. The website ranks #1 on Google. The domain is more than 1 year old. There are now notes and flashcards for HTML/CSS (1 package for both languages), JavaScript, TypeScript, &nbsp;ReactJS, NextJS, Vim/Neovim, Markdown, Front end bundle. The price for an individual package is often $7-$9, around 30% less when choosing just the notes or just the flashcards. The Front end Bundle costs $19. The Frontend Bundle brings in 52% of all the revenue, the HTML and CSS package around 15% and the JavaScript package also around 15%. And 18% are from the other packages. The Markdown package is free and serves as lead generation. Each paying customer buys on average 1.4 packages and brings in around $10.5. My project exists 1 year and has made around $1,300. The domain was just renewed for $50. It has more than a dozen testimonials. Customers really like the idea and find it really helpful. They also like the immense amount of knowledge you get for a very low price. ‍<br>✅ $1,300 in Annual Revenue<br>✅ 260 customers<br>✅ Business model: One-time purchase<br>✅ Built with NextJS, TailwindCSS<br>


Annual Revenue


Number of Customers


$50 for the domain (got renewed on Dec 4th, 2023), $10/month for X Premium (Optional).

Business Model

One-time purchase at a low price, one free package available, others cost $5-$20.

Target Audience

Aspiring web developers.

Asking Price Reasoning

No competition, unique and useful product, huge market.

Reason for Selling

I want to focus on my other businesses.

Growth Opportunity

Making free content on frontend development, for example, free guides and getting a lot of leads and converting them into paying customers + posting on X (more than 400 followers).

30 days free support from seller


I have not found any competitors.

Tech Stack

Next.js, TailwindCSS.

Traffic Metrics

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How it works

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Asking Price
Already Sold